Quick Start

Train and Test

PyMIC accepts a configuration file for runing. For example, to train a network for segmentation with full supervision, run the fullowing command:

pymic_train myconfig.cfg

After training, run the following command for testing:

pymic_test myconfig.cfg


We provide several examples in PyMIC_examples. Please run these examples to quickly start with using PyMIC.

Configuration File

PyMIC uses configuration files to specify the setting and parameters of a deep learning pipeline, so that users can reuse the code and minimize their workload. Users can use configuration files to config almost all the componets involved, such as dataset, network structure, loss function, optimizer, learning rate scheduler and post processing methods, etc.


Genreally, the configuration file have four sections: dataset, network, training and testing.

The following is an example configuration file used for segmentation of lung from radiograph, which can be find in PyMIC_examples/segmentation/JSRT.

# tensor type (float or double)
tensor_type = float

task_type = seg
root_dir  = ../../PyMIC_data/JSRT
train_csv = config/jsrt_train.csv
valid_csv = config/jsrt_valid.csv
test_csv  = config/jsrt_test.csv

train_batch_size = 4

# data transforms
train_transform = [NormalizeWithMeanStd, RandomCrop, LabelConvert, LabelToProbability]
valid_transform = [NormalizeWithMeanStd, LabelConvert, LabelToProbability]
test_transform  = [NormalizeWithMeanStd]

NormalizeWithMeanStd_channels = [0]
RandomCrop_output_size = [240, 240]

LabelConvert_source_list = [0, 255]
LabelConvert_target_list = [0, 1]

# this section gives parameters for network
# the keys may be different for different networks

# type of network
net_type = UNet2D

# number of class, required for segmentation task
class_num     = 2
in_chns       = 1
feature_chns  = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256]
dropout       = [0,  0,  0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
bilinear      = False
multiscale_pred = False

# list of gpus
gpus = [0]

loss_type     = DiceLoss

# for optimizers
optimizer     = Adam
learning_rate = 1e-3
momentum      = 0.9
weight_decay  = 1e-5

# for lr scheduler (MultiStepLR)
lr_scheduler  = MultiStepLR
lr_gamma      = 0.5
lr_milestones = [2000, 4000, 6000]

ckpt_save_dir    = model/unet
ckpt_prefix = unet

# start iter
iter_start = 0
iter_max   = 8000
iter_valid = 200
iter_save  = 8000

# list of gpus
gpus       = [0]

# checkpoint mode can be [0-latest, 1-best, 2-specified]
ckpt_mode         = 0
output_dir        = result/unet

# convert the label of prediction output
label_source = [0, 1]
label_target = [0, 255]


To evaluate a model’s prediction results compared with the ground truth, use the pymic_eval_seg and pymic_eval_cls commands for segmentation and classfication tasks, respectively. Both of them accept a configuration file to specify the evaluation metrics, predicted results, ground truth and other information.

For example, for segmentation tasks, run:

pymic_eval_seg evaluation.cfg

The configuration file is like (an example from PyMIC_examples/seg_ssl/ACDC):

metric_list = [dice, hd95]
label_list = [1,2,3]
organ_name = heart

ground_truth_folder_root  = ../../PyMIC_data/ACDC/preprocess
segmentation_folder_root  = result/unet2d_urpc
evaluation_image_pair     = config/data/image_test_gt_seg.csv

See pymic.util.evaluation_seg.evaluation for details of the configuration required.

For classification tasks, run:

pymic_eval_cls evaluation.cfg

The configuration file is like (an example from PyMIC_examples/classification/CHNCXR):

metric_list = [accuracy, auc]
ground_truth_csv = config/cxr_test.csv
predict_csv   = result/resnet18.csv
predict_prob_csv   = result/resnet18_prob.csv

See pymic.util.evaluation_cls.main for details of the configuration required.